Hippodrome for Schools

Hippodrome for Schools

We welcome school visits to the Hippodrome throughout the year, organising screenings designed to provide Curriculum for Excellence-related outings for your class.

Screenings can accommodate different age groups, from nursery children and primary age to secondary pupils and those preparing for university.


Tickets for schools’ screenings are £3.60 per pupil (accompanying adults free of charge). 

Tickets can be reserved c/o the Box Office in person, by email or over the phone. 

e. Bookings@falkirk.gov.uk t. 01324 506850

Schools can pay by invoice, cash or credit card.  Tickets are not available to book online and screenings are not listed on our website.

Capacity and Access

The capacity of the cinema is 220.   Access information can be found here: Accessibility | Hippodrome (hippodromecinema.co.uk).  For busy screenings with multiple classes we will prepare a dedicated seating plan.

Film Choices

The Hippodrome screening programme is curated by Falkirk Council’s Arts Development Officer (Film and Media): Alison Strauss.  If you would like to suggest a film title for a schools’ screening, please email alison.strauss@falkirk.gov.uk and she will research the copyright and screening materials to ascertain if your request is possible.

To make the schools ticket price financially viable for operations, we aim to fill the cinema as much as possible.  You can help us to do this by joining forces with other schools when planning your trip.  If your group is small (under 50 pupils) there is an alternative option to book the cinema for a private hire, details here: Parties & Hires | Hippodrome (hippodromecinema.co.uk).


Screening times are subject to staffing availability, outside the public screening programme schedule.  The options are Wednesday – Friday mornings or Friday afternoons to be finished by 3pm.  If you would like to enquire about a particular date and time for a schools’ screening, please email hippodrome@falkirk.gov.uk


When we show adverts, we earn revenue which helps sustain the Hippodrome.  The ad reel will always have a BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) rating to match the main feature and will never last longer than 12 minutes.


We rely on the sale of snacks and drinks to generate revenue for the cinema.  Please help support the Hippodrome by purchasing refreshments from us rather than inviting pupils to bring their own.  Hippodrome snack packs can be pre-ordered (small chocolate bar, juice and popcorn) @ £3.50 p/p.  To customise your snack order or discuss requirements please email hippodrome@falkirk.gov.uk

Into Film Festival

In November each year the Hippodrome participates in the Into Film Festival - Into Film, offering selected free screenings for Primary and, subject to demand, for Nursery and Secondary.

French Film Festival and Fokus Films from Germany

We work in partnership with these film festivals to host modern language screenings for schools.


The Hippodrome Silent Film Festival (HippFest) is Scotland’s first and only festival of silent film with live music, centred in and inspired by Scotland’s first and oldest cinema, featuring exceptional screenings, commissions, workshops, community events and touring.  The Festival takes place annually in March and includes a popular schools engagement programme.  For more information visit www.hippfest.co.uk or email hippfest@falkirk.gov.uk

Screen Education Resources

There are lots of online resources out there… here are a few of our favourites:

Resources - Film Hub Scotland

Into Film | Film in Education | Film Clubs - Into Film

Screen Education | Screen Scotland

Scottish Youth Film Foundation (syff.scot)

Get in touch

If you would like to be added to a mailing list to receive information on upcoming screenings at the Hippodrome for nursery, primary or secondary school screenings, please let us know by emailing alison.strauss@falkirk.gov.uk

We look forward to welcoming you!

Hasta la vista, baby...Back to Top


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